I am a more down-to-earth person who prefers to think realistically, rather than getting lost in impractical daydreams. I appreciate a certain routine in my daily life and prefer things that have a proven track record of success. Friends and acquaintances appreciate my habitual ways and know me as a consistent and straight-forward person who tends to be noticed less for his creativity and imagination, but more for my stable reliability. I am not so interested in new cultural experiences, but I still enjoy a select few hobbies that I have had for many years. In my life I also like to be safe and prefer to rely on old-fashioned and traditional practices that have been proven in the past.
I am a rather relaxed person who likes to set up his life to live comfortably. However, recurring obligations are of interest to me - I love the spontaneous and the old. Routine and structure really make me happy. In my life I need a lot of space, in order to devote myself to my spontaneous inspirations and ideas. In my environment people are aware of my slightly disorganized ways. If someone has an appointment with me, they always factor in my being on time. If holidays or birthdays are approaching, I can get stressed because I think it is too late to look for an appropriate gift, but my great ingenuity always saves me in the end. I always think of something nice and personal and I am able to organize everything, even if it is a bit 'last minute'. A repetitive job is part of your professional dreams. To me it is important to be creative and incorporate my own ideas. Subordinating to the rigid structures and rules of others is simply not my thing. Accordingly, I most likely feel comfortable when the job conditions are not too strict and my job is connected with as much routine as possible.
I prefer a life in peace compared to a great hullabaloo. I shy away from crowds like they have the plague. To others I often seem reserved, however really I just act in a more considered manner than others. I can be described as calm, reserved, cautious, thoughtful and reflective, but also determined. You avoid any big fuss and I tend to feel uncomfortable in large groups. I always react skeptically and are wary of new acquaintances. Some people consider me a recluse, but if I have someone close to my heart, I rarely let go of them. Consequently, most of the people in my social circle are friends I have known for a long while. It is with these people that I share my thoughts, and when they need some help I always have an open ear for them. I prefer a cozy evening to a long-night out at a big event. In my professional life I prefer a job where I can mostly work alone and in peace. I perform all my tasks in a very disciplined way and ideally without external consultation. At joint meetings I stay in the background and do not like to give presentations. The usual office talk is of no interest to me and I limit my contacts to only really good colleagues.
In my life, maintaining close relationships with people that I like is central. I love to meet up with friends, and to share and to be part of the lives of other people. I use these relationships to verbally express my concerns and needs, and it is equally important to me that I am trusted by others and can act as a contact point in case of problems. In My circle of friends there are a number of people who are really close to me, and also a number of people that I would consider acquaintances. I am able to separate these two sets of people very well, and I do it consistently. Boundaries are important to me and I can maintain these interpersonal relationships well. At work there are no limits for people with your qualities. In dealing with my colleagues and superiors my behavior is best characterized by its flexibility: I gladly cooperate, I like to be part of a team and get on well with others. If there are crises or disagreements, I am able to face them with a friendly, determined approach. This is a wonderful combination!
I feel balanced and in general succeed when adapting to critical or stressful situations. I handle criticism and anger with intelligence and care. If I am, however, already in a state of emotional stress, I can feel overwhelmed by additional pressure and react emotionally. Nevertheless, I always manage to calm down after a short time to rethink my response from a distance. If I realize that I made a mistake amidst the hustle and bustle, I am not afraid to admit this to myself and others, apologizing when necessary. I am open to feedback and accept criticisms with dignity and grace. My empathic sensitivities earn me lots of bonus points in my circle of friends. I approach life rationally and represent a neutral position, a trait which is very much appreciated within my social circle. My professional performance depends very much on my particular form that day. On a good day, I am valued for my high resistance to frustration. If, however, I get up on the wrong side of the bed, it can sometimes happen, that my colleagues notice it.
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