A song for Rung from Greg


 From the first time that we met

To this day seems we belong together

We met online at Thai Cupid

I'm glad we did

Because we talked for hours

Video calls twice a day

You're in Thailand i'm in America

We got to know each other

More than I have known

Anyone else in my life

You're everything to me

Dear RungJan my everlasting love

I want you to know how

Beautiful you are inside and out

Nothing's more important

Then us being together

And taking care of each other

Until we meet again

And fall in love

In the next life

I remember I was nervous

Coming to meet you face to face

At the Udon Thani airport

It felt like I was coming home

You pick me up and we stayed

In a hotel just for the night

We stayed together for three weeks

But that went by

Just way too fast

See you or my everything

You're everything to me RungJan

I want to spend

My life with you

My happiness and my joy is you

Dear RungJan my everlasting love

I want you to know how

Beautiful you are inside and out

Nothing's more important

Then us being together

And taking care of each other

Until we meet again

And fall in love

In the next life

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