The meeting

 The world is a much smaller place because of technologies. I went online and meet my wife there and got married online as well. She happened to be in Thailand and I am in California. We spoke 2 or 3 times in the website where we met before we went to Video calling. Video calling allowed us to see each other face to face and from our homes. This made it cheap for us to talk and really learn about each other.

Many times people post pictures and say things in their profiles that are not true. It may be their picture but it could be many years ago they took it. They can also touch up pictures to make them look great. Doing video calls allows you to see and get a feeling for who that person really is. What you do have to decide is why you are online in the first place.

I was looking for someone to share the rest of my life with. They needed to want a simple life and not just trying to get money or get to America to live. By the way, I did not care about where they lived in the world. They had to speak English, had what most would say is old fashion beliefs about how men and women have different roles in a relationship, and is not totally broke (they need to have more than the clothes on their back). 

What I found is a woman that grew up in a house with no running water, no electric anything, basically living off the land as farmers. Bathroom not being in the house but using an outhouse, pumping water from underground for their needs. This is exactly the same way I grew up. We both got educated and had good jobs. We both ended up with 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom houses. She has a 2 story and I have a single story house. We have the cars, and everything else you work your life to get thinking you are successful. The most important of all that was the internet making the world so small.

We talked every day for about 2 months before I flew to Thailand to see if we really could get along with each other. From talking using video calls we knew a lot about each other. The distance between us allowed for us to talk without the lust that happens when you are face to face. From the moment we met face to face it felt like we had known each other for years. Being together for 3 weeks living in the same house sealed the deal.

Being in Thailand was great for me. The culture and people were wonderful to me. All the things missing from the "good old days" I found there. The cost of living is much cheaper than in the USA and a much simpler life style. Did I miss anything there that I had here? Nope, all the same things here were there as well. The Malls, big box stores like Costco or junk food places to getting stuff from online delivered to the door step.

Yes, this was on the other side of the world but very much like being at home. No problem being able to communicate between speaking English and using Google Translate. There was no problem with being Black from anyone I met in the country. I was welcomed with open arms there.

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